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I read recently that the key to not being a total goob with social media is generosity.  People like to talk about themselves, and draw attention to themselves.  The problem is others grow tired of hearing you rattle on about your interests on Facebook or boast about your exploits on Twitter.  You according to you, is only interesting for so long.

So, generosity–sharing the spotlight–is key to social media success.  Can you generously draw attention to what others are doing?  Give them a little shout out?  Shut up about yourself and what you’re selling?

It’s the same with leadership.  It’s meant to be shared, and even given away.  Interestingly, leadership—which we know is really influence, primarily—is a little counter-intuitive in this area; often the more you give away, the more you get.

What does this look like?  Let someone else give that presentation, or teach that lesson.  Assemble a team when it’s time to make an idea happen, instead of tackling it by yourself.  Let others shine and celebrate their accomplishments, big or small.

True servant leaders should strive to get none of the credit, and take all of the blame.

Yes, giving away influence is scary.  You didn’t think this leadership thing was going to be easy and fear-free, did you?  All glory and no guts?

Take your leadership to the next level.  Be generous, and give it away

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