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BOOK REVIEW: Humble Orthodoxy by Joshua Harris

9781601424754Wow, what a great book!  Humble Orthodoxy by Joshua Harris is like a breath of fresh air amidst arguing bloggers and finger-pointing Christian “culture experts.”  And since the framing scriptures of this super-short book are taken primarily from 2 Timothy, that breath of fresh air is one of renewed resolve to remember our purpose.  Paul chose to plead with his last written words for both doctrinal fidelity AND avoidance of silly arguments.  What would he say about the ground-swell of “foolish controversies” that seem to captivate Christians on social media sites like Facebook, while in the meantime we are becoming more and more marginalized by the culture we are supposed to engage?

If we are losing our voice in this culture, Harris contends, it’s because we don’t know how to pursue humble orthodoxy.  Well, a great place to start is by reading this clarion call to both right thinking and right attitudes.  Grace, repentance, humility, love and truth are all emphasized to the point that all else seems trivial—because it is.  At one point in the middle of the book I was so overcome by the thought of God’s overwhelming glory and grace that I just sat in stunned silence for several minutes.  The climatic chapter about living for God’s approval is so timely and relevant, and I found my heart longing for the vision of heaven that Harris masterfully paints.

This book is so short, beautiful, and brutal; how can I not recommend it to anyone who will read it?  Please read this book.  It will make a difference in the way you feel about defending the truth.

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