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10 things I would tell my younger self [100th post]


This is my 100th post on!

What does that mean, you ask?

Well, first watch this video:

This humorous video got me thinking, what would I tell my younger self who is just heading into ministry, and starting a family?  In celebration of my 100th post, here are the top 10 things I’d tell myself, in no particular order.


The closer you stick to God, the better husband, father, servant, and leader you will be.  Cultivate your relationship with God even if there are other, urgent things to do.  Nothing is more vital or urgent than spending time in prayer and seeking.


Your wife is amazing, and your greatest ally.  Don’t keep anything from her.  Always tell the truth.


Have the hardest conversation first.  If you put it off, you will never end up having it.


Critics come and go.  The blessings that come from “praying and staying” are a more consistent than critics.


Children are a gift from God.  They are also a crucible of holiness, because parenting takes patience and consistency just like following Jesus does.


The Word of God can be trusted even when nothing else makes sense.


Some battles are worth fighting and some are not.  Let God show you the difference.


People are not currency, projects, or raw material.  People are created in the image of God.  Every single one of them is infinitely valuable.


Youth ministry is a privileged and rewarding role.  It is also full of heartache, sadness, and painful transition.  It’s all worth it.


Jesus loves you no matter what.  You are a forgiven, redeemed child of God.  Now, try not to be such a huge dope.

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