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Leadership Wednesday

Is newer always better?

Is newer always better?  Many churches seem to be perpetually clamoring for innovation, perhaps as reaction to those churches that have stayed the same for so long and lost their voice. What could be more important than staying fresh?  People… Read More »Is newer always better?

Complaining or praying?

How much time do you spend complaining?  Well, I know we don’t like calling it that.  How about, “pontificating on what could be improved in certain people and situations?” Great leaders are often idealists, and many get frustrated when things… Read More »Complaining or praying?

Bad Religion?

This is the transcript of the sermon I preached this past Sunday, re-formatted for easier reading.  It’s more lengthy than my usual posts, but i think it summarizes well the general attitude toward religion in our society today and the… Read More »Bad Religion?

Busy or effective?

Busyness is not the same thing as effectiveness.  In fact, constant busyness may actually be the enemy of true effectiveness. Why is that?  Because making your mark—having an effect—on the world around you is not possible without intentionality, reflection, and… Read More »Busy or effective?